Professional Services
AFS Technology can provide all the professional services required to assure the success of each project. AFS typically provides all the services required for a Turnkey project from kiln and fuel assessment and conceptual engineering through commissioning and operator training.
If you have already sourced alternative fuel for your kiln or boiler, Contact Us, or complete the Kiln Questionairre for the most efficient fuel feed system solution.If you are searching for the best waste to energy technology for your cement kiln or industrial boiler, we can help you source the best fuel to maximize your ROI. Contact Us today for a free Alternative Fuel Market Analysis.

Engineering & Design
Engineering & Design AFS provides the engineering and design requirements to meet your needs. From large turnkey systems to small one piece equipment solutions, we are here to help you achieve your goals. The seasoned staff of AFS engineers and designers is uniquely qualified to design and manage your fuel ...

Turnkey Project Management
Turnkey Project Management AFS takes total responsibility for providing an operating system that meets your project objectives and guarantees the performance for one fixed price. We manage all aspects of the project and quickly resolves any performance issues. In contrast, non-turnkey projects have separate contracts with various parties for services ...

Fabrication AFS prides itself on providing the best in quality made equipment. Utilizing our spacious TierOne Manufacturing facility in Ansonia, Ohio - our team of highly-experienced welders and fabricators are detail-oriented to ensure superior value in each and every project. Our equipment is manufactured and tested before being shipped to ...

Installation AFS turnkey solutions include all mechanical, electrical and civil installation requirements. AFS can also provide installation supervision or support to meet your needs if you prefer to contract directly with the mechanical, electrical, and civil contractors for installation of the system. Contact an Engineer ...

Commissioning AFS turnkey solutions include all startup and commissioning requirements. During commissioning AFS will assure proper operation and fine-tune the system for optimum performance and efficiency. AFS will also train your personnel to operate and maintain the system. Contact an Engineer ...

System Upgrade
System Upgrade Holcim, Inc, - System Upgrade Kiln 1 at the Hagerstown Plant, Hagerstown, MD USA is a long dry kiln with a rated capacity of 1,587 tons per day of clinker. In 2008, AFS used a 10-day scheduled outage to relocate the Mid Kiln Cam and Valve approximately 50-feet ...

Alternative Fuel Market Analysis
Alternative Fuel Market Analysis If you are not sure of the alternative fuels available for your facility, whether biomass fuels, bulk fuel, tire fuel, waste fuel or otherwise, AFS has engineers that can define the market of alternative fuels available for your facility including quality, quantity and price. Contact an Engineer ...

Alternative Fuel Test Burn
Alternative Fuel Test Burn In most cases, an alternative fuel test burn is either desired or required prior to full implementation. AFS understands this and is ready to assist you in finding the fuel sources, equipment and methods to minimize the cost while ensuring an effective and reliable approach. Contact ...