Tire Separation
AFS has Whole Tire Separation equipment to automatically perform the following functions:
- Separate bulk whole tires into a supply of single (one at time) tires
- Remove debris from whole tires
- Inspect tires for conformity with minimum and maximum size specifications
- Reject non conforming (size) tires
- Detect and reject tires with rims

Separator Discharge Conveyor
Separator Discharge Conveyor The Separator Discharge Conveyor is designed to be at the discharge of the Rotary Disk Separator. The Conveyor conveys tires and debris (typically accompanying scrap tires) to an elevated platform where the debris drops off the end of the conveyor and the tires typically proceed to a ...

Refinement Systems
Refinement Systems The refinement system consists of belt driven live roller conveyors in a series of turns to refine separation of tires, inspect tires and reject tires outside preset dimensional specifications. Turns in the refinement configuration will incorporate a vertical turning post to aid the tire through each corner. Also ...

Rotary Disk Separator
Rotary Disk Separator The Rotary Disk Separator is designed to be at the discharge of the Live Bottom Hopper. The Separator discharges one to three tires at a time. Standard Specifications: Delivers up to 14 tires per minute 14’ diameter disk Single inverter rated motor for variable speed control ...