Solid Fuel Systems

Interest in waste to energy technology, especially biomass energy, has increased dramatically over the last few years as industry is faced with increased restrictions on emissions of greenhouse gases and rising coal prices.

Most solid recovered fuels are not handled as discrete pieces like whole tires but are typically processed to allow for coprocessing through the main burner of a cement kiln. Most of these fuels have very difficult material handling properties and AFS has the experience to provide a reliable system that would allow you to maximize the opportunities for alternative fuel substitution. Our bulk solid fuel handling system is designed to be flexible enough to allow the use of a wide variety of alternative fuels because the markets for these materials are constantly changing. While AFS will provide pneumatic conveying systems for these materials we are qualified to provide equally safe and more reliable mechanical systems because of its increased flexibility in fuel types and sizes, and its lower maintenence and operating costs.

AFS engineers have designed fuel feed systems for the following Bulk Solid Fuels:

  • Tire Chips (Tire Derived Fuel, TDF)
  • Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
  • Biomass
  • Wood Chips
  • Biosolids (Dried and cake sewage sludge)
  • Agricultural Residues (Cotton gin, Rice hulls, Coconut Husks)
  • Screw Press Cake from Paper Mills